Language of flowers of Phalaenopsis Orchids


Hello everyone! Thank you for reading always.

Do you know Language of flowers of Phalaenopsis Orchids?

Language of flowers is “Bring happiness”. It is also famous as an good fortune flower.

Phalaenopsis orchids is really popular for gift and Language of flowers is quite lovely also.

We have various kinds of Phalaenopsis orchids. Micro, midi, large Phalaenopsis orchids.

I’m sure you willl find Phalaenopsis orchids that are perfect for gift and for yourself.

Rakuten is having Super sale now so please take this opportunity!


  1. 花束


  2. ベルギーの首都ブリュッセル

  3. 撮影でHana Marcheのバラの花束をお使いいただきました!

  4. オランダ流ホームパーティー 

  5. 花の取引量世界一の生花市場へ

  6. 憧れの花の建築家ダニエル・オスト